As you may be aware, the IRD have changed the way they accept payments from you.
From 1 October 2014, your payment needs to be with the IRD on or before the due date. This means that the common practice of sending cheques on the due date won’t be allowed.
For client’s who we send cheques for on their behalf, we will be sending these on the day before the due date at the latest to ensure no penalties or interest is incurred.
The IRD are on the path to eliminate accepting payment by cheque. As a long term solution it may be worth thinking about changing your payment method to be an electronic bank transfer. This is available through most banks through the ‘pay tax’ function within internet banking. Alternatively, you can make cash or eftpos payments at Westpac counters. Westpac will no longer accept cheque payments, forms or returns.
If you would like more information on this then please get in touch with the office.