The Smart way to pay your professional fees
Astute cashflow management is essential for operating a successful business. In today’s competitive environment many businesses prefer to spread their professional fees over the year rather than paying as a single lump sum just like rent or insurance premiums.
feeSmart is a monthly payment option available to our clients who prefer to fund their professional fees over a six or twelve month period. A feeSmart loan is:
- Sensible – existing cash or credit lines (e.g. Bank overdraft) are retained for other business needs.
- Simple – a feeSmart agreement and Direct Debit authority are all that is needed.
- Stress Free – avoid becoming an overdue debtor with your professional advisors.
- Smart – the small credit charge is also a deductible expense to your business.
We know that clients using feeSmart are generally quite capable of paying their professional fee as a lump sum BUT they simply prefer to manage their cash more effectively.
If you wish to explore this option either contact us today or visit for details.