From My Desk…


Wet, wet and more wet.  I have never seen so much water (and mud) in Taranaki.  Roll on a few sunny days to dry us all out a bit.

The office has been busy with GST returns last month and I have been busy with my Maat hat on working on our latest syndicated building.  This time a commercial property in Takapuna, Auckland returning a projected 8.1% to the investor.

The media is currently full of election stories and as we have only a week to go, the 2017 election gets more volatile (like the Fonterra payout?) seems every other day we get another bombshell – Metiria Turei, Andrew Little, Peter Dunne – who is next?

This editions newsletter talks about another tax simplification measure – the payroll changes applying from 01 April 2018 – more compliance!

Lets hope that calving has gone smoothly and that all those wonderful bobby calf loading structures are doing there jobs!

Talk soon, Mark

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